Sunday, June 29, 2008

Uncle Brock - Our Hero!

Since this week is the week of Independence Day, I thought it would be appropriate to honor the modern day American hero in our family - Amy's husband Brock. Just recently Brock left on his THIRD tour of duty in Iraq. (He claims that he is going to do "Public Relations" for the military , we think that that is a cover for the fact that he is really more like James Bond, or maybe Maxwell Smart) For as long as we have known Brock he has spent his time shuttling between being home with his family and friends in Utah and his military obligations at training bases around the country and in the Middle East. We have seen what a sacrifice he and his family make so that he can serve our country, and we are thankful and humbled that he and millions of others do this, without complaining, for our benefit.

Right before Brock shipped out, we were able to spend an afternoon with him at our place. It was great to hang out and catch up with him. Emily has decided that Uncle Brock is her favorite, and she spent the afternoon bringing him new stories to read to her, which he gladly did. We will all miss him this year, and we pray that he and all the other men and women serving our country will return safely.

So, this Independence Day, when the flag comes by, I will think of all those who have sacrificed for that flag, and particularly, of Brock and his family, who are offering their sacrifice right now.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for that sweet tribute. I know he will be honored and embarassed all at the same time. When I came to your blog I wasn't expecting to see his picture and I have to be honest, it instantly brought tears to my eyes! He is such a handsome soldier! Thanks again you guys. We are so lucky to have a family support system like ours.We love you and miss you more!!

lbugsh2 said...

Yea for Uncle Brock. Tell him we are thankful for the service he gives.