Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My little performer

Emily has had a "larger than life " personality from day one. She is definitely the most outgoing of all my children and that combined with her perfect comedic timing makes her the biggest "Ham" of us all. A recent "Emmy-ism" is:

The other day we were at the hospital for a Dr. visit and as we were waiting for the elevator to take us up to the right floor an older woman with her daughter walked up behind us and Emily immediately addressed the woman and said in her all-too-confident, two-year-old voice, "Hi! My name is Emily. This is my brother Dallin. He is a boy. I am a girl. My Mom is a girl. My Dad is a boy. Becky and JJ are girls and I have pretty shoes!"
The woman was nice enough to actually act interested in Emily's description of her pretty shoes, her toys at home, and anything else Emmy wanted to talk about while we waited for the elevator.
Then once we were in the office waiting area Emily walked straight up to another woman in the room and went through the whole monologue again, "My name is Emily. This is my bother Dallin. I have pretty shoes. etc......" After she felt like she'd covered all points of interest, she announced that she was going to sing the woman a song. So at the top of her lungs (in the middle of the Office waiting room) she sang "Twinkle Twinkle little star."
Thankfully at this point it was time to go so I took her hand and started to lead her out into the hall, to which she responded with, "But Mom I don't want to go! I want to sing Abc's!"
So as I was now dragging her out of the office she was singing the Abc's even louder while waving goodbye to the woman who so kindly put up with her show for the last 10 min.


I've said it before, Emily is one of a kind :)


Denise said...

She's definitely a keeper!

Emily Merchant said...

I love the Emily stories. How cute is she! I love confident children with big personalities. I guess with my kids, I have to...

Zach and Linds said...

That is a crack up!

Crystal said...

She is sooo cute! My Abby is a lot like that too. It's kind of fun.

Dan and Marci said...

Sounds like great entertainment--here a mom just kinda shakes her head and smiles. She is going to have so many friends!

Sammie said...

Sounds like she's a pretty good mixture between her parents if you ask me!

Sarah said...

That is hilarious! Wish I could see her (and all of you!)

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

Oh, to be two and have people think it's cute when you periodically burst into song. What a doll!!!

BlueSkies28 said...

I too agree she must be a good mix of her mom and dad! :)

Anonymous said...

Of course, Emily's my best singer in nursery!