Monday, February 23, 2009

It's a bird...It's a's SUPER MOM!

Emily is kind of going through a Tom-boy phase right now. All her favorite movies are: Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Cars, and Monsters Inc. Also, her her favorite thing to do is play "superheros." She runs from room to room getting rid of all the pretend "bad guys" in our house.
Well, the other day we were reading a princess book (for a change) and when we were finished our conversation went something like this:

ME: "Princess Emily, will you go put your book away?"
EMMY: "Mom! I'm not Princess Emily, I'm Super Emily!"
ME: "Oh...Well then, can I be Princess Mommy?"
EMMY: "No. You are Super Mommy.
ME: "How come?"
EMMY: "Because you are the BEST!"

Now I realize I can't put much stock into what a 2 year old says. And I would never in a million years claim to be a "super mom." As a matter of fact, most of the time I feel lucky to just make it through the day with all my kids alive. :) However, whenever I think back on that little conversation we had I can't help but smile.
It's just that sometimes it seems like, in my efforts to be a good wife and mom, I somehow end up being the "bad guy." Whether it's having disappointed kids because I make them do homework and piano practicing before they can play with friends after school, or having a frustrated husband because the house just didn't get clean that day and I forgot the dry cleaning...again. (Like I said, I have a lot to work on.)
But just the same, it's nice to be called "super mom" every once in a while. Even if it's just in my two-year-old's imagination.


Emily Merchant said...

I'm with Emily, you are a Super Mom!

It is so funny that she is Super Emily, because my ultra-girlie Maggie has been going through a phase where she is always, Super Maggie. Most often Super Maggie tries to rescue her baby sister, which is a little precarious.

We need to let those two super girls save the world together more often.

~Michelle~ said...

Jenny, you are super mom in my eyes as well, so it isn't just your two year old that thinks so.
I'm so glad Emily paid you that long overdue compliment.

Denise said...

I will jump on the band wagon and say I could not agree more. I so want to be Jen Walker when (and if) I grow up.

Sammie said...

So, totally off the subject....but, how far away do you live from NYC?

Crystal said...

Jenny, you are a mother who does her best and therefore you are super mom. It's really true. No one can do for your family what you do for them. No one can be the mother to your children that you are. That's why you are their Mommy, and not someone else. I believe that wholeheartedly. Plus, I don't know a person on the planet who does their job perfectly! Not even our wonderful husbands. It is nice to hear though, even from 2 yr olds.

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

I concur! That is one of the sweetest things I have ever heard.