Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Truth

Ok......I admit it. Lately I've wondered a bit about this choice I made to become a Mom. And not only a mom, but a mom of 5!(counting our little bun in the oven.) With Joe working such long hours and trying to keep up with laundry, dishes, sweeping, mopping, grocery shopping, cleaning bathrooms, and all the other things that go along with running a household along with piano lessons to teach, callings to fulfill, dance classes, church activities, homework, school activities, and just trying to squeeze a little one-on-one time with the kids. Some days it just feels like too much.

There is never a time when I'm out with all the kids when I don't get stared at or stopped.(Not that I blame anyone. An 8 month pregnant lady pushing a shopping cart around with 4 kids in tow and at least 2 of them crying most of the time is quite a sight.) I get bombarded with questions like, "Are they all yours?" or "How do you do it?" And then there are comments like, "You are crazy!" or one time a lady told me, "I think it's just irresponsible to have that many children!" And I wonder...."Are they right? Am I really up to this?"

More often than not I am humbled and frankly......overwhelmed and discouraged when I think about the responsibility of motherhood. I probably spend too much time agonizing about the things I need to do to improve on.
But the truth is, at the end of the day... (even the long days:)... I feel so privileged to be a mother. I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing. Not just because I love my children. But because of how much I love my children. I think that no other experience I could have in this life could teach me as much about the love the Savior has for us than being a mother. I feel so thankful to be a mother in the gospel, to know the things I know and be able to share them with my children. I love watching them learn new things and shine in their own talents and gifts. I love to see them serving and teaching one another, I love hugs around the knees and how all art projects completed by my kids end up with "To: Mom" written on it somewhere. It's always fun hearing about the latest scoop at school that day. There is nothing better than when your two year old wraps his arms around you and says, "I 'luf' you mom."
I feel motherhood is the opportunity for a woman to reach her full potential here on earth. In my opinion the definition of motherhood is not just someone with kids, but whether you have children of your own or not, mother hood is simply, "Someone who cares for someone else, Someone who puts the needs of others above their own."
To me, Motherhood = Charity.
My goal and I guess my opportunity in this life is to do my best to love up to that definition.

So yes, although I feel tired and inadequate, and It feels like everyone else seems to be doing a better job than I am. I am grateful for the blessing of Motherhood, and I am grateful for all the wonderful examples of motherhood in my life. This weekend I wish a Happy Mother's day to all mothers!


Joe and Liz said...

Such a sweet post Jen! Thanks for sharing that! You are really a great example to me of a wonderful Mother....I hope you know that!!

Crystal said...

That was beautiful, Jenny. Thanks for sharing.

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

Just what I needed! I keep wondering some of those same things about myself. I am so grateful for your post, it gives me hope and encouragement! You are a WONDERFUL example!